Find your calm, 6 tips on creating a space in your home to truly switch off

Creating a space that you can relax in is so important. Having a clean and tidy home can reduce stress and anxiety as well as allow you to relax easily. Model your home after how you want to feel while you’re inside it. Do you want a haven to come home to after work? Think about taking inspiration from hotels. Do you want your home to exude you and your personality? Dig deep and find interiors that make your heart sing. 

As a place where you often escape after the stress of work or hectic trials of life, your home needs to evoke a tranquil atmosphere and help you recharge from the day. However, its capability to do so is frequently overlooked, allowing the space to drain you if it’s not thoughtfully decorated. In this blog we’re looking at our best tips for creating a home you can completely switch off in.

  1. Cut down the clutter

Try to get rid of things you don’t need rather than letting them accumulate in the house. It can be hard to let things go and the task of clearing out things can feel overwhelming but try to do things little by little, there’s no rush. And once you have a bundle of things you no longer need, donate it! Charities and charity shops are really grateful for second hand furniture and clothes and often provide a collection service. Somebody else might love and really appreciate the things you no longer need or cherish. 

  1. Introduce good vibes

If your home is full of things that you no longer love or you have bad memories in certain rooms, think about changing up the look of the room. Bring joyful things into your home, that might be a funny poster or some bright coloured cushions. You’ll be surprised how much a room can change after you’ve got rid of bad energy. Your space will immediately feel more peaceful if you are able to detach bad memories and will help you feel safe and relaxed in your newly energised space. 

Bring out things that you associate with happy times, pictures, momentos they can help you feel happy and at peace. Surrounding your house with pictures of loved ones can be uplifting and make your home feel full of life!

  1. Experiment with Light

Lighting is, no matter what anyone says… everything. It can turn a room into an inviting oasis from a dull cold space. Layered lighting can be great for creating a soft and inviting space, think lamps dotted around the room and a reading light that can be directed wherever the light is needed. Overhead lighting can be harsh if it can’t be dimmed.

  1. Engage the senses

Unwind with scents! Lighting a candle that has a specific smell that you associate with relaxing can create a proustian memory type of reaction, perfect for getting your mind to switch off and relax. Calming scents like chamomile and lavender are ideal for encouraging your body and mind to relax.

  1. Relaxing accessories 

Surround yourself with things that remind you to take time for yourself. Books, board games, art and puzzles are great accessories in your home as they encourage you to spend time away from your electronics. It can be easy to switch off with your phone in your hand, scrolling through your favourite mind numbing app but try to exchange that habit for a more productive one. This doesn’t mean you have to learn something from reading a book, only that it will help your mind rest from the constant screens. 

  1. Plant power

When it comes to recharging after a busy week many of us getaway to the nearest park or botanical garden, why not bring the plant power to you? They are also proven to re-oxygenate your home and remove toxins. They require more maintenance than a new rug but they are worth it for their uplifting and calming powers.

Inspired to re-energise your space? Be sure to tag us in your calming renovations @madewithoak on instagram and facebook.