10 TikTok Home Interior Accounts we’re loving

Ever put on a time limit on TikTok on your phone? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The addictive app seems to eat up hours in seconds. The endless scrolling is the perfect de-stress for some and the amount of useful facts and hacks seem to make it feel productive somehow. In this week’s blog we’re looking at some of the best accounts on TikTok for interior design. 

This House 5000

This home account is dripping in inspiration. Love nordic minimalism with a touch of colour? Then look no further. This House 5000 is the perfect place to lose yourself in immaculate vibes and inspiration. With useful tips on how and where to place rugs and accessories, this account is ideal for someone who is starting out in interior design.

This video shows their house when they bought it and the house now and the dramatic difference is jaw dropping! 


GaleyAlix is without a doubt the queen of DIY hacks on TikTok, her no-nonsense approach is perfect for practical homeowners on a budget. While her after pictures look unachievable, she breaks down the process making it possible for anyone to create a home fit for Architectural Digest. Specialising in weekend makeovers, her fast paced renovations are the perfect source of inspiration if you’re having a mid makeover meltdown. 

The Spruce

This account is a perfect all rounder, covering multiple styles and hacks. It’s a must for anyone thinking about giving their home an update. Other than hacks and ideas it also talks about the environmental effects of ‘fast interior design’ – the 2022 trend of caring for your current house plants rather than buying new ones because they are more stylish. Very thought provoking. 

Lone Fox Home

Need your daily dose of DIY inspiration? Lone Fox Home is perfect for giving your ideas about your tired furniture and decor. Helping you put a new lease of life into your home. In this video he demonstrates how to make an abstract minimalist painting. And as daunting as that might seem, watching the painting come together makes it look easy and the final result looks straight out of an instagram model home. 


Want to change your room around? Don’t have the time or money to have a full makeover? Blondesigns is great for giving helpful tips about how colour can change the vibe or a space or the importance of lighting for making a room feel bigger and more spacious. Helpful for those renting, who can’t make dramatic changes to their home. 

Emily Rayna 

Looking for budget friendly, aesthetically pleasing house designs? Emily Shaw aka Emily Rayna is your perfect source of ideas.


Looking to impress your nosy guests? Farah Merhi’s account is fabulous for organisation ideas, creating a coffee station fit for kings and satisfying interior hacks for any style. Her stunning home is full of creative hacks and her TikToks helpfully explain how to achieve each and everyone of them. 

House of Hipsters

Want to make some more bold and eclectic choices when designing your home? House of Hipsters is great for encouraging you to be unique and confident with your interior design ideas.

Isabella Segalovich

One of the best aspects of TikTok is its ability to deliver digestible amounts of useful knowledge in a short amount of time. Isabella Segalovich’s account is full of helpful crafting ideas as well as historical knowledge about the art movement she is helping you achieve. 

The Martinez Casita

From outdoor seating solutions to bathroom remodelling, Jessell and Andrew Martinez’s account offers plenty of home styling and DIY budget friendly renovation ideas from their classic home in Los Angeles. One of the most useful things about this account is how they specify exactly where to get every home decor item they use. 

We love finding new accounts to be inspired by, make sure you check out our reels on Instagram @madewithoak. If you make any home Tik Toks or Instagram reels yourself be sure to tag us!