How to Create Your Personal Meditation Space at Home

With hectic, busy lifestyles and priority lists which seem never-ending, it’s not unusual to feel stressed. Many adults in the UK suffer from stress and anxiety, making their daily lives a struggle. 

Over recent years, people have started to invest more and more time into mental health. We now recognise that the way we feel can have a huge impact on the way we live our lives. 

This increased awareness of the topic has given rise to mindfulness and meditation and over in the States, meditation is the fastest growing health trend. For many, it has become an essential part of their daily self-care. 

So why has it become so popular?

If you’re completely new to meditation, you may not be aware of its benefits. From reducing stress and anxiety to increasing our ability to concentrate. The practice also boosts human compassion, both inwardly and outwards to others. Finding the time to meditate has profoundly benefited many people both in their personal and professional lives. 

A key way to make meditation a part of your daily life is to have a dedicated space to do it. So, here’s our tips on creating your own meditation space at home. 

1. Choose a space

Our homes are filled with stimuli both good and bad. When we walk past our desks, we’re reminded to pay those bills or file that tax return. When we enter the kitchen, we often think about the next meal we need to prepare or when we need to do a food shop. 

So, when finding a space to meditate, try to choose the calmest room in your home with the least stimuli. Now, you don’t need a dedicated meditation room, it could simply be a corner in your bedroom or conservatory. Just make sure it’s a place where you can easily switch off and feel calm.

2. Make sure it’s private

Switching off from our own thoughts can be hard enough, but when other people are talking around you, it makes meditation near on impossible. Whether you set up a room divider or close a door, your family need to know that you’re not to be disturbed. Oh, and while we’re on that point, switch off your phone. 

3. Decorate your meditation space 

Ultimately, you want to create a space where you enjoy being. So clear the clutter and incorporate items that make you feel calm. Begin with having a comfortable place to sit, whether that’s cushions, a chair or actual meditation mat. 

Then, choose calming items like dim lights, plants, flowers or, if you want to be traditional, images or statues of the buddha. Some people like to hang blankets around their space for a sense of softness and seclusion. Try to keep things minimal though to avoid too much distraction. 

If your meditation space is in a room that’s used for other things, consider investing in a sideboard where you can store all of your objects. You can then easily access them when you come to meditate. To give you some added inspiration, here’s of 10 beautiful meditation spaces.

4. Have the items you need to meditate

Sometimes it’s difficult to mute all of those thoughts in our heads to begin meditating. There are plenty of objects and stimuli to help with this so find out what works for you and ensure it’s in your space. 

Singing bowls are a popular way to promote relaxation and induce a sense of calm. Alternatively, there are plenty of meditation playlists you can use to help clear your mind and get in the zone. Just make sure you have headphones or a speaker at the ready. 

5. Invest in the time you need to make it happen

It’s all well and good setting up a beautiful meditation space, but it’s pointless if you never find the time to use it. Remember, practising meditation has so many health benefits and the more you find the time, the more you will notice the difference.

If you create your own meditation space, let us know how you get on. We’d love to hear from you on social media.